Friday, October 21, 2011

Chapter 1 - L’Espagna

Spanish Lessons

Lesson 1: Barcelona – City of Thieves

We were warned many times before getting there – Barcelona is a city full of thieves. Even while sitting in a park to eat some lunch a stranger approached us to warn us from potential thieves lingering around and already watching us....

Finally we got the chance to film first class thievery in action, please scroll down rapidly to see the animation:

Actually the only thing that was stolen from us in Barcelona was the opportunity to join the VoKü (a community dinner) at la Papa (a famous squat) – we reached there with German punctualtiy to find that the building has been demolished, so has happened to another house project in the city :(

Lesson 2: Barcelona – city of Machos: Always be aware of these strange spanish muchachos everywhere!

Lesson 3: Barcelona – City of objects that create big happy smiles in Madita’s face (challenge – find the object):


  1. what a beautiful post :) really lovely

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. it must be either the phallus in the background or possibly a cake in her stomake....

  4. veeeery good Gesche, you know Madita well;P
